Joshua Josué - El Gringo Mariachi Joshua Josué El Gringo Mariachi color logo design Joshua Josué El Gringo Mariachi monochrome logo design Joshua Josué color logo design Joshua Josué monochrome logo design Joshua Josué El Gringo Mariachi is a musician based in Portland, OR. Joshua was revamping his music career with...

A brand visual identity should represent an organization's mission, core values, and its “why.” For Duende Press, it represents the journey from the inside to the outside—how an intangible interior reaches the outside, tangible world through writing....

Poster design and infographic design blend in these posters, used to present the achievements and projects Pure Leapfrog accomplished through Barclays carbon fund. Instead of showing a matrix with numbers or a list, showing the results in a visual way creates higher engagement and causes a...

As a digital platform, Queremos Verde needed a new brand that was easier to recognize, adapted more to new trends in design and how social media displays the information. Simplifying the design to a more conceptual shape, using only a combination of two bright green...

When launching a company, every type of promotion should be used. Creating a mix of digital, print, environmental, direct marketing, and more increases the reach and opportunities to add users. For halo, partnering with a Toyota dealership brought the opportunity to use their screens on...

Community energy projects are growing around the world. Pure Leapfrog planned to fund the installation of 500MW of clean renewable energy in rural areas by 2020 from the UK government carbon fund. The brand was created by mixing the 500MW target with the year 2020 and...

Logo design and lettering project. Victoria needed branding aligned with her mission and values. Being a sensitive and intuitive photographer focused on capturing personal relationships and moments, her branding had to reflect those features. The almond tree blossom representing the beauty of a short moment,...